Green electricity choices
To introduce the worksheet, ask the children how they think we sometimes waste electricity and what we can do to avoid waste. Do they think it makes much difference if, for example, we switch off a light or television when it is not needed? (See Key electricity facts below.)
After playing the board game, children could make a note of anything they read that surprised them and find out more about it. A starting point for finding information is their electricity company’s website. They could research the energy used by the appliances mentioned in the game.
Children could make an alternative version of the game that features different electrical appliances or different choices. They could also make a game that features point scoring. For example, they could award or deduct points according to how ‘green’ (or not) each choice is.
As a maths activity, the children could calculate how many watts would be wasted in a year by one 100W light bulb being left on all night every night and convert this to kilowatts. They could then work out what this wasted electricity could have powered, and for how long.