Safe Electricity Survey

Ask different groups to survey different areas of the school and then present and share their findings.

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Safe Electricity Survey

Worksheet Parent/Teacher Safety PSHE/Citizenship KS2

Draw the children’s attention to the location of electrical devices. For example: indoor and outdoor lights, lights in toilets and lights in other areas where there is water.

Ask the children to note the differences between lights (and other appliances) in different locations. Ask them to consider possible dangers and how these are avoided. Tell them to think about water, electric shock, damage, overheating and fires.

Discuss the various locations and styles of switches. Ask the children to think about how the equipment is made safe. For example: pull-cord switches and switches on the outside of a room where there is water.

Ask about appliances and switches that are placed out of reach, why this is and what difference it makes.

Encourage them to add notes to the survey sheet about how to use the devices safely.

Suggest that the children carry out a similar survey at home.

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